Fueled by a strong desire to travel, but being a broke college student working minimum wage in Early November I applied for a language acquisition grant from my school to learn Spanish Abroad. Free travel, an invaluable skill to communicate and connect, best of both worlds right? So with my application submitted the waiting game began. Weeks of anxiously checking my email every morning and celebrating whenever I got an update on my application review progress. The pure joy, terror, and hope every time my phone vibrated was unbearable.
To make a long story short, I kinda gave up- assumed they had lost track my application or I had missed the rejection email so I moved on. Looking for other internships, summer jobs, and international opportunities(which is actually how I went India).
All hope was lost until one Saturday afternoon just days after my email I get that ding: "New Update from Travel Abroad Committee"
I think I actually cried when I read this, I was going to Peru!